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Will Frisch on Stillwater Area Baseball Association

"Stillwater Area Baseball Association has provided an incredible foundation for me, and for everyone I have seen come through the organization. As a professional athlete who has seen many organizations from youth sports to professional baseball, I can tell you that SABA truthfully cares about the players as individuals and provides incredible opportunity for growth. The people who run SABA day in and day out are as selfless and hard working as they come. They will show up on early Saturday and Sunday mornings, put in the extra work with your kids, and help them become better people.

Personally, I would not be where I am without SABA. They provided me with so many opportunities to get better at baseball between tournaments, practices, and regular season games. Our coaches and parents would stick around after practice to help the ones who wanted to do more. Lastly, they made baseball fun for all players who participated. Many people will not go on to play at a high level after playing with SABA, but they will grow as people and as competitors.

SABA will provide a massive opportunity to the ones that want to go out and try to play baseball at the next level, but youth baseball to me is about competing, having fun, getting kids into physical activity, and most importantly teaching kids valuable life lessons. Teamwork, comradery, failure, and competition are all things people learn going through youth sports. I can think of no place better to begin that journey with than Stillwater Area Baseball Association."

Congratulations to Our Alumni

Drew Gilbert and Will Frisch - 2022 MLB Draft

SABA Alumni Playing Professional Baseball